The One Surefire Way to Stop a Dangerous Thumb-Sucking Habit
Many children suck their thumbs. However, at a certain point,…
How Early Does My Child Need Braces?
Your child's smile lights up your life. The beaming pride of…
How Fluoride Treatments and Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities in Children
Parents and dentists associate fluoride treatments and dental…
How To Choose the Right Braces for Kids
When you have a child who needs braces, it can be hard to know…
Is Your Child a Good Candidate for Early Orthodontic Treatment?
Early orthodontic treatment in Omaha, NE, can be ideal for some…
Teens and Clear Aligners for Braces
Here at Pedodontics, P.C., our dental team specializes in children's…
How to Relieve the Soreness Caused by My Child’s Braces
Has your child just gotten braces in Omaha, NE? If so, the last…
4 Common Pediatric Dental Issues
As apediatric dentist in Omaha, NE, we see our fair share of…
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