Phase 1 Treatment

The One Surefire Way to Stop a Dangerous Thumb-Sucking Habit

Many children suck their thumbs. However, at a certain point, this habit could become a danger to your child’s oral health. If you are like most people, you search high and low for different ways to help your child break that habit. But what you might not know is that your pediatric dentist in Omaha, NE, can help (more about that in a moment).

The Dangers of Thumb-Sucking

Thumb sucking is normal for babies and small children. However, after six months of age, that habit should begin to decrease. And, after age three, most children naturally wean themselves of the thumb-sucking habit. But that’s not always the case.

If your child continues to suck their thumb after the age of three, you risk the following.

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Overbite, open bite
  • Misshaped jaw
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Unnatural growth of the palate (roof of the mouth)

So, if your child is still sucking their thumb after the age of three and you’ve tried everything to break that habit, it’s time to talk with your dentist about a solution.

What Is a Palatal Crib and How Does It Work?

Most people don’t know this, but your pediatric dentist has what’s called a palatal crib, and it will immediately break your child of their thumb-sucking habit. Just like that!

palatal crib in Omaha, NE, is an oral appliance made up of semicircular wires (or other type of appliance). It’s placed behind the front teeth and keeps your child’s thumb from touching their gums, breaking the sensation that encourages thumb-sucking. Without getting that pleasurable sensation, your child no longer has a reason to continue sucking their thumb.

Are You Looking for a Reputable Pediatric Dentist?

If your child has a thumb-sucking habit that you just can’t seem to break, please Contact Pedodontics, P.C. today. We will examine your child’s oral health and show you how easily a thumb-sucking habit can be immediately broken using a palatal crib.

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