At Pedodontics, P.C., we’re proud to provide expert orthodontic care to patients throughout the Omaha, NE area. Our doctors and highly trained team of orthodontic specialists work with every patient individually, designing a personalized treatment plan focused on helping the patient achieve a beautiful smile. While braces are the most common and one of the most effective treatments we offer, in many cases, we’ll need to pair braces with an additional orthodontic appliance to achieve the best possible result.

Removable & Fixed Expanders

We offer both fixed and removable palatal expander appliances that act to widen the upper jaw, creating more space for teeth and treating many problems like crowding or crossbite. In children, the upper jaw is actually split in half – so by applying a gentle, constant force on either half, we can push the jaw apart and stimulate bone growth in the middle, effectively widening the upper jaw. Fixed expanders act to widen the upper jaw. Removable retainer expanders work by “tipping” the teeth although they can also widen the jaw.

Pull headgear

Reverse – Pull Headgear, also called an Anterior Protraction Facemask, is a device used to treat an underbite caused by an underdeveloped upper jaw or overdeveloped lower jaw. We’ll usually use this headgear in younger children, and because we only ask patients to wear it at night and on weekends, it’s a fairly tolerable and highly effective solution. When started early, treatment with this device can achieve significant improvement in the skeletal structure and appearance of the face and jaws.

Transpalatal Arch (TPA)

A Transpalatal Arch (TPA) is a fixed appliance that attaches to the upper molars with a bar that extends across the palate. A TPA can be useful for holding space open or for helping the molars move to the back of the mouth.

Ectopic Eruption Appliances

While crowding may be most obvious in the front of the mouth, it usually occurs in the back of the mouth as well in the form of an “ectopic molar”. This is a molar that erupts in the wrong place, and while it’s most common in the upper arch, it can also occur in the lower arch. Often, the upper molar will erupt with a forward slant, causing the root of the baby tooth in front of it to dissolve and disrupting the normal eruption process.


A Nance appliance is a passive appliance that’s fixed to the teeth by orthodontic bands on the upper molars. The nance has a wire that extends from the bands to the front of the roof of the mouth, where it connects to an acrylic “button” that rests on the palate. This “button” comfortably prevents the molars from moving forward, helping to keep space open for the front teeth and prevent crowding.

Lip Bumper

A lip bumper is an appliance attached to the rear molars with bands and has a long wire running around the outside of the lower dental arch with an acrylic “bumper” at the front. As the lip “bumps” against this bumper, it puts pressure on the molars, causing them to drift back and create more space for crowded teeth. Additionally, the bumper keeps the lips away from the front teeth, providing more space for the teeth to flare out and avoid crowding.

Functional Appliances

Functional appliances work to correct skeletal problems, influencing jaw growth to promote a proportional, normal facial and jaw structure. Most of these appliances are worn for about a year.


The Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance, or MARA, is an appliance made to help move the lower jaw forward. We’ll often use the MARA to take advantage of growth spurts and achieve the most growth possible in the shortest amount of time. While we can often achieve desired results with the MARA alone, in some cases we may need to combine it with oral surgery.

Maxillary Banded Bite Plane

A Maxillary Banded Bite Plane appliance works to stimulate growth of the upper jaw, helping to treat crowding and other issues. It’s cemented to the molars with bands and contains a plastic “ramp” at the front of the upper jaw. The lower incisors fit onto this ramp and provide a subtle pressure over time to push the upper jaw forward and stimulate growth.

Carriere Distalizer

The Carriere Distalizer is an orthodontic device developed to correct a bite without headgear or removing teeth. This fixed appliance helps to push the upper molars back, creating more space in the mouth and preventing crowding and other issues. We may also use this appliance in combination with Invisalign.

Lower Lingual Holding Arch

A Lower Lingual Holding Arch appliance consists of a wire running around the inside of the lower dental arch cemented to the lower molars with bands. This wire acts as a bumper, preventing the molars from moving forward after baby teeth fall out and leaving space for permanent teeth to erupt. This appliance can help prevent crowding and other problems.

Contact Pedodontics, P.C. in Omaha, NE

If you have any questions about these appliances or other treatments we offer, we would be happy to speak with you regarding any questions or reach out to us at our contact page to schedule an appointment at our Omaha, NE office. We can’t wait to hear from you, and we look forward to helping your child achieve a beautiful smile!